Services rendered by IFC
IFC renders it's consultation services to clients wishing to apply for the following categories, below each category you will find a link to the pricelist of that specific category.
- SAPS Shooting Range Accreditation
- SAPS Training Provider Accreditation
- SAPS Business in Hunting Accreditation
- SAPS Game Rancher Accreditation
- SAPS Other Business Purposes Accreditation (Diverse list of purposes)
- SAPS Association Accreditation
- SAPS Recognition for Associations
Individual Firearm Licence Applications
- Self-defense
- Restricted Firearm for self-defense
- Occasional Hunting and/or Sport Shooting
- Dedicated Hunting and/or dedicated Sport Shooting
- Private Collection
Business Firearm Licence Applications
- Security Service Providers
- Training Providers
- Business in Hunting
- Game Rancher
- Other Business Purposes(Diverse list of purposes)
Firearm Competency Applications
- Competency to possess a firearm
- Competency to trade in firearms
Individual Firearm Licence Renewals
- Self-defense
- Restricted Firearm for self-defense
- Occasional Hunting and/or Sport Shooting
- Dedicated Hunting and/or dedicated Sport Shooting
- Private Collection
Business Firearm Licence Renewals
- Security Service Provider
- Training Provider
- Business in Hunting
- Game Rancher
- Other Business Purposes(Diverse list of purposes)
Firearm Competency Renewals
- Competency to possess a firearm
- Competency to trade in firearms
**This list will be updated accordingly when new services are added.**